A dashing swordsman helps protect Philip III of Spain from the traitors trying to overthrow him.
Classic swashbuckling based on the 1942 film by the same director, entitled Don Cesare di Bazan.Read More »
A dashing swordsman helps protect Philip III of Spain from the traitors trying to overthrow him.
Classic swashbuckling based on the 1942 film by the same director, entitled Don Cesare di Bazan.Read More »
The story of Italian politician Giulio Andreotti, who has served as Prime Minister of Italy seven times since the restoration of democracy in 1946.
Roger Ebert wrote:
They would seem to be opposites, but on the basis of two recent films, the longtime Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti and the longtime fashion emperor Valentino were surprisingly similar. Both are seen as intensely private, rarely happy, single-minded in pursuit of their ambitions, cool in their personal relationships, and ruling as if by divine right. A difference is that Valentino was never accused of criminal activities.Read More »