Gustavo Jahn

  • Helena Wittmann – Human Flowers of Flesh (2022)

    2021-2030DramaFranceHelena Wittmann

    Ida lives on a sailing yacht with a crew of five men. While on shore leave in Marseilles, she becomes fascinated with the French Foreign Legion and decides to sail to Sidi Bel Abbès, the Legion’s former headquarters in Algeria.Read More »

  • Melissa Dullius & Gustavo Jahn – Muito Romântico (2016)

    2011-2020BrazilDramaFantasyGustavo JahnMelissa Dullius

    The adventure of Melissa and Gustavo starts aboard a red cargo ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean. It takes them to Berlin, a city of constant movement, where the old has to give space to the new. The couple finds a home and transforms it into the center of their own universe. As time passes and seasons change, life and cinema become one and their room becomes an ever-changing stage, where friends are invited to play their own roles. In this state of transition Melissa and Gustavo lose sight of their path and their world starts to tremble. Until one day a cosmic portal appears in their home opening connections between the past, the present and the future, confronting the two travelers with extraordinary discoveries. MUITO ROMÂNTICO is a stream that carries along hearts and minds. A playful rearrangement of experiences, memories and fantasies into a journey transcending space and time.Read More »

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