Heddy Honigmann

  • Heddy Honigmann – Crazy (2000)

    1991-2000DocumentaryHeddy HonigmannNetherlandsWar

    Deeply moving account of dutch war veterans from recent conflicts (the Congo, Bosnia/Herzogovina etc.) who are struggling to come to terms with their post-war lives. The crutch many of them use is music, specifically a single song, which either kept them going while they were on active duty or is a rooting experience for them as they recall the horrors of their war experiences. Read More »

  • Heddy Honigmann – El olvido (2008)

    2001-2010DocumentaryHeddy HonigmannNetherlandsPolitics

    The latest documentary from Heddy Honigmann (“Forever,” “Metal and Melancholy,” “O Amor Natural”) focuses on Peru’s capital city of Lima, revealing its startling contrasts of wealth and poverty, and how many of its poorest citizens have survived decades of economic crisis, terrorism and government violence, denial of workers’ rights, and political corruption. [Synopsis courtesy of Icarus Films]Read More »

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