Kihachi Okamoto directs his 37th film with this sweet-natured satire about bungling cops and tax scams. The story opens with an 84-year-old widow and grandmother (Tanie Kitabayashi), who lives in a palatial estate in rural Wakayama prefecture, getting jumped by a trio of bumbling thugs (Toru Kazama, Katsuyoshi Uchida, and Hiroshi Nishikawa) and shoved into their waiting car. Instead of being afraid for her life, she is — to the chagrin of her would-be captors — having the time of her life. Soon the strong-willed granny takes command of her own kidnapping, offering the house of her former maid as a hideout and suggesting the amount of the ransom — ten million yen.Read More »
Hiroshi Nishikawa
Kihachi Okamoto – Daiyukai aka Rainbow Kids aka The Magnificent Kidnapping (1991)
1991-2000AsianClassicsJapanKihachi Okamoto -
Takehiro Nakajima – Kyôshû AKA Remembrance [+Extra] (1988)
1981-1990AsianDramaJapanTakehiro NakajimaThis ATG film is a family drama set in 1953 in a small rural town in Tosa, Kochi. This was the first directorial effort by Takehiro Nakajima, a novelist whose work was adapted into Preparation for the Festival by Kazuo Kuroki.Read More »