A photographer tries to manipulate a woman into a sexy photo shoot. When she refuses, he finds a more obliging model and takes a series of nude photos. When men line up to buy them, a woman objects.Read More »
Johann Schwarzer
Johann Schwarzer – Beim Fotografen AKA At the Photographer (1910)
1901-1910AustriaEroticaJohann SchwarzerSilent -
Johann Schwarzer – Der Traum des Bildhauers AKA The Sculptor’s Dream (1907)
1901-1910AustriaEroticaJohann SchwarzerSilentQuote:
The artist studio is decorated with a rug, a chaise longue, a small table, a plinth, a couple of copies of classic sculptures, a vase with flowers, a few prints on the walls, and on the wood paneled lower half of the wall, an 8-pointed star [Saturn-Film’s logo]. The artist is wearing a white shift over his grey trousers, shirt and necktie, and he is wearing black shoes. With hammer and chisel, he applies the last touches on his last piece of sculpture – the three graces, standing nude on a rectangular podium covered with a white bed-shit. He steps back, contemplates his work, and rejoices on the beauty he has achieved. He goes out momentarily, and brings a bottle of champagne and a glass; before drinking, he makes a toast to his finished statue.Read More » -
Johann Schwarzer – Eine modern Ehe AKA A Modern Marriage (1907)
1901-1910AustriaEroticaJohann SchwarzerSilentQuote:
Another boring evening at the Baron’s home; he sits and reads a magazine, while his wife sits across the reading table, reading a newspaper. The housemaid enters, bringing a message from Franz, who convenes the Baron to an urgent meeting at the Club. Excusing himself, and thoroughly kissing his wife good-evening, the Baron leaves – to meet some lady of the night in the club’s private room, with champagne and a sofa for two. At home, the Baroness gets bored, until she has an idea, soon put to practice. She sends a man a letter, signed Divine Lola, giving him rendez-vous at a discreet pension. The modern Eve is not taking her husband’s infidelities sitting down. She lays in her undershirt on a bed inviting her lover in, in a long embrace.Read More » -
Johann Schwarzer – Sklavenraub AKA The Abduction of the Slave Women (1907)
1901-1910AustriaExploitationJohann SchwarzerSilentQuote:
Four Arab men in white burnouses, two women in grey, and one female cook in striped burnous, are sitting in front of a cave in a forest path. (From a piece of grey cloth over the entrance to the cave, two 8-pointed white stars hang incongruously: the Production company’s logo.) A pan hangs from a tripod. A girl in a colorful dress arrives with a Bucovina shepherd dog, and starts dancing in front of the men. First, half of the men go, then the others and the girl leave. Only one man stays, taking care of the food being prepared in the pot. Snivelling from their hiding place, a robber jumps him, and knocks him out with a blow. Three thugs join him, and they take whatever they find in the cave (guns). The dog comes back, and sits a while near the fallen cook. Read More » -
Johann Schwarzer – Der Hausarzt AKA The Family Doctor (1910)
1901-1910AustriaEroticaJohann SchwarzerSilentQuote:
A woman seems to be terribly ill, but is it health or seduction that’s truly on her mind?Read More » -
Johann Schwarzer – Die Macht der Hypnose AKA The Power of Hypnosis (1910)
1901-1910AustriaEroticaJohann SchwarzerSilentA dastardly woman carries out a con scheme in which she hypnotizes an unsuspecting gentleman, takes off her clothes, and steals his wallet.Read More »
Johann Schwarzer – Lebender Marmor AKA Living Marble (1910)
1901-1910AustriaJohann SchwarzerSilentQuote:
Four gentlemen are talking in a beer-garden; during a short absence of one of them, who pretends to be an art lover, the others decide to make a prank on him. When he comes back, one them invites the “square” bourgeois to his home, pretexting to show him an art catalog. The men pay their drinks and leave, but the three friends convene later, and they have paid a young female model to be there, too. The three pals position the nude girl in a classic stance, standing on a pedestal covered with a white bed-shit. She has an headdress that hides her hair, and is painted white like marble. The men spend some time touching parts of her body, to achieve the best pose. Read More » -
Johann Schwarzer – Weibliche Assentierung AKA Female Conscripts (1908)
Austria1901-1910EroticaJohann SchwarzerSilentQuote:
A man in civil clothes, and three men in army uniforms are inspecting seven women to be recruited. They are taking and inscribing in a ledger book the women’s height, breast, thigh and ankle measurements. To do this, they all have to get topless, except one. They enter one by one, but they leave in formation, except one who strays away and remains in the room. After she is alone with one of the officers, he kisses her, and takes her to another room.Read More » -
Johann Schwarzer – Der Angler AKA The Fisherman (1907)
1901-1910AustriaEroticaJohann SchwarzerSilentQuote:
Two women get undressed to take a bath in a lake. When a fisherman throws out his hook to catch some fish, he accidentally puts his hook in one of the women. A policeman appears to seemingly put the fisherman away.Read More »