Marie Brozová

  • Václav Krska – Stríbrný vítr aka Silvery Wind (1954)

    1951-1960ClassicsCzech RepublicDramaVáclav Krska

    Silvery Wind is a classic Czech film, based on a novel by Fráňa Šrámek first published in 1910.

    The hero of the story is an enthusiastic and idealistic young student, who reaches maturity amidst small-town brutality, narrow-mindedness and hypocrisy.Read More »

  • Vladimír Cech – Divá Bára AKA Wild Barbara (1949)

    1941-1950ClassicsCzech RepublicDramaVladimír Cech

    Bára, the daughter of a communal herdsman, is pursued by all the young men from the village. The parents of the village boys are not pleased with this at all, because they believe the superstitious old women who claim that Bára is a daughter of a noonday-witch. The beautiful girl has one friend, Eliška, foster-daughter of the parish priest. The priest also likes Bára and always takes her side. The manorial administrator Sláma is trying to win Eliška, but Eliška loves a student from Prague. Bára decides to frighten Sláma away from his courtship. She disguises herself as a ghost, scares Sláma to death near the graveyard and makes him promise to leave Eliška in peace. But Sláma’s coachman alarms the entire village and they recognize Bára in the ghost.Read More »

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