Mark Borchardt

  • Chris Smith – American Movie (1999)

    1991-2000Chris SmithCultDocumentaryUSA

    On the northwest side of Milwaukee, Mark Borchardt dreams the American dream: for him, it’s making movies. Using relatives, local theater talent, slacker friends, his Mastercard, and $3,000 from his Uncle Bill, Mark strives over three years to finish “Covan,” a short horror film. His own personal demons (alcohol, gambling, a dysfunctional family) plague him, but he desperately wants to overcome self-doubt and avoid failure. In moments of reflection, Mark sees his story as quintessentially American, and its the nature and nuance of his dream that this film explores.Read More »

  • Ludi Boeken – Britney, Baby, One More Time (2002)

    2001-2010ComedyCultLudi BoekenUSA

    “Prize-winning Milwaukee independent filmmaker Dude Schmitz (Mark Borchardt, American Movie) desperately need money! After a failed interview with the real Britney Spears, Dude hatches a scheme to cash in using Britney look-alike Angel Benton (Robert Stephens). Angel is lured with the promise of meeting his idol and poses as the real thing on a trek across the country for a series of road-trip style interviews.”Read More »

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