Martin Fric

  • Martin Fric – Hotel Modrá hvezda AKA The Blue Star Hotel (1941)

    1941-1950ClassicsComedyCzech RepublicMartin Fric

    Miss Susan inherits the hotel from her auntie Barbara. At fist she thinks it’s the well known modern hotel Blue Star. Early on she finds out it’s another one with the same name, but much smaller and besides it’s forlorn. Instead of guests and personnel the hotel is freely occupied by three young men. Susan let them stay if they work for her, because she is determined to reopen the hotel. Soon first guest, Vladimir Rychta, arrives to the hotel and wants to arrange wedding feast there. Nevertheless his obstinate fiancée refuses to come to the old hotel and stay in the modern one. As the feast is canceled Mr. Rychta invites Susan to dine together. He becomes so enchanted by her, that he asks her to marry him. In the morning Mr. Rychta sends a telegram to his relatives that the wedding is off. Susan reads the telegram on its way and gets very unhappy. As she isn’t aware of the former fiancée, she understand it that Mr. Rychta has decided to not to marry her.Read More »

  • Martin Fric – Mravnost nade vse AKA Morality Above All Else (1937)

    1931-1940ComedyCzech RepublicDramaMartin Fric

    Professor Karas is widely known as enthusiastic propagator of the motto “Morality Above All Else”. He guides his students as well as his own family to live a morally decent life. One day he has an unexpected visitation. It’s his illegitimate daughter Vera, who is proof of his thoughtlessness of youth. Mr. Karas know that she can ruin his image of morality propagator, thus he decides to keep her in secret and asks her to leave. Instead of leaving she takes a position of a governess in his own family without letting him know. Mr. Karas realizes that he must reveal the truth sooner or later, but he doesn’t have enough courage to do so. As he still postpones it, he is more and more scared to come to his own home. Situation gets even more complicated, as Vera turns all the orderliness in the family upside down. All the confusion culminates when everybody find out that Mr. Karas secretly meets Vera.Read More »

  • Martin Fric – Zivot je pes AKA A Dog’s Life (1933)

    1931-1940ClassicsComedyCzech RepublicMartin Fric

    Young music composer Viktor Honzl in vain looks for work. He is prevented from committing suicide by a technician of the gasworks who shortly beforehand has disconnected his gas due to past due bills. In the disguise of an older, serious, musical scholar Viktor obtains work in a music publishing house. So he may court Eva, publisher Durdys’s daughter, who he likes quite a bit, he recommends to the owner that he also employ his nephew. Understandably, this is he himself, in his every-day form. For Viktor, however, this becomes an extremely complicated situation as he switches in the place of business from the clothes of the uncle and then back again from the clothes of Viktor the nephew.Read More »

  • Martin Fric – Capkovy povidky AKA Capek’s Tales (1947)

    1941-1950ClassicsCrimeCzech RepublicMartin Fric

    Martin Fric composed several Karel Capek’s Tales in the form of story telling of train passengers. They include three tales from the book “Tales from One Pocket”: “Propuštěný” (Released), “Poslední soud” (The Last Judgment) and “Ukradený spis” (The Stolen Document); and two tales from the book “Tales from the Other Pocket”: “Balada o Juraji Čupovi” (Ballad about Juraj Cup) a “Případ s dítětem” (The Case of Baby).Read More »

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