The story follows the life of Leni Gruyten, a regular German woman during the 1930s and 40s. Through her interactions with friends, family, and other people she knows, the regular folks’ perception of the Nazi era is shown.Read More »
Michel Galabru
Aleksandar Petrovic – Gruppenbild mit Dame AKA Group Portrait with a Lady (1977)
1971-1980Aleksandar PetrovicDramaGermanyWar -
Yves Robert – La Guerre des boutons AKA War of the Buttons (1962)
Yves Robert1961-1970ArthouseComedyFranceFor generations, two rival French villages, Longueverne and Velrans, have been at war. But this is no ordinary conflict, for the on-going hostilities are between two armies of young schoolboys. Their idea of war may be less damaging than that practiced by their elders, but it is prosecuted with just as much spirit and determination. One year, the two armies decide to confiscate the buttons, shoelaces and belts of anyone they capture from the opposing side; victory will go to the army which manages to accumulate the greatest quantity of these spoils. When he is beaten by his father for having lost his buttons, the leader of the Longueverne army, Lebrac, has an idea which will give his side the advantage: next time, he and his brave soldiers will go in battle without their clothes…Read More »
André Cayatte – L’amour en question AKA Question of Love (1978)
1971-1980André CayatteCrimeDramaFrancePLOT: In the French legal system, a judge-magistrate conducts criminal investigations. In this story, Suzanne Corbier (Annie Girardot) is one such magistrate who is called upon to determine whether Catherine, who has been having an affair with an Englishman, conspired with him to murder her impotent husband, who condoned the affair. When Suzanne comes to a conclusion, she still must deal with the political demands of her office and her superiors.Read More »
Laurent Heynemann – Le Mors aux dents aka The Bit Between the Teeth (1979)
1971-1980CrimeFranceLaurent HeynemannPoliticsIMDB:
Charles Dréant has compromising files on politicians. The Guenn, member of a party, seeks to recover them.Read More »