Istanbul Tales is a film which tells five interconnected stories set in modern-day Istanbul based on the fairy tales Snow White, Cinderella, Pied Piper, Sleeping Beauty and Little Red Riding Hood. The film, which went on nationwide general release on 11 March 2005, won several awards including Best Film at the 24th International Istanbul Film Festival.Read More »
Özgü Namal
Ömür Atay, Selim Demirdelen, Kudret Sabanci, Yücel Yolcu, Ümit Ünal – Anlat Istanbul AKA Istanbul Tales (2005)
2001-2010DramaSelim DemirdelenTurkey -
Sirri Sureyya Onder & Muharrem Gulmez – Beynelmilel AKA The International (2006)
2001-2010ComedyDramaSirri Sureyya Onder and Muharrem GulmezTurkeyBeynelmilel / International: Co-directed by Muharrem Gülmez and scriptwriter Sirri Süreyya Önder, Beynelmilel / International takes movie-goers to the days in the aftermath of the coup d’etat of September 12th, 1980. Here we are in a remote town of Adýyaman watching the tragicomical story of a group of local musicians. The film depicts the extent to which ordinary people were affected by the military suppression after the coup. It is a period movie made in an ironic and humorous manner. (Istanbul Film Festival booklet – 2007)
• IST.FF 2007 – The Special Prize of the Jury was awarded to “Beynelmilel / International”.
• IST FF 2007 – Best Actress Award was given to Özgü Namal for her performance in “Beynelmilel”.Read More »