In 16th century Sweden, the lives of three Scottish mercenaries and a vicar’s family intersect after a crime forever alters a small coastal town. As the three try to escape, they find themselves trapped when all ships are frozen in ice.Read More »
Richard Lund
Mauritz Stiller – Herr Arnes pengar aka Sir Arne’s Treasure (1919)
Mauritz Stiller1911-1920Scandinavian Silent CinemaSilentSweden -
Mauritz Stiller – Gränsfolken AKA Brother Against Brother (1913)
Mauritz Stiller1911-1920DramaScandinavian Silent CinemaSwedenWarTwo brothers compete for the love of a woman while the impending war threatens to separate them from both sides of the border. Based on the novel “La Débâcle” by Émile Zola.Read More »