Rimma Shorokhova

  • Aleksandr Medvedkin – Bespokoynaya vesna aka An Unquiet Spring (1956)

    1951-1960Aleksandr MedvedkinComedyUSSR

    Autotranslated from Russian:
    On the formation of the character of a young man, a participant in the struggle for bread in the virgin lands.

    Color film. A group of Komsomol members founded the May-Balyk state farm on the virgin lands of Kazakhstan. Among the young men and women, future grain growers, the frivolous, dashing guy Zhenya Omega stands out. In the very first days of his stay on the virgin lands, Zhenya accomplished a number of “feats”: he exchanged rubber boots for a guitar, tried to evade work, and left the tractor driver courses. The management of the state farm and comrades understand that Omega cannot be entrusted with a tractor, and despite the boy’s indignation, he is appointed a water carrier.Read More »

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