Villagers in an Anatolian hamlet dread the arrival of their landlord as there is no money to give him. In desperation they turn to the hated local headman. Tashbash is the only dissenter and when someone recognises him as a saint his life changes.Read More »
Rutkay Aziz
Zülfü Livaneli – Yer demir gök bakir AKA Iron Earth, Copper Sky (1987)
1981-1990DramaTurkeyZülfü Livaneli -
Ziya Öztan – Cumhuriyet AKA The Republic (1998)
1991-2000DocumentaryPoliticsTurkeyZiya ÖztanIMDB:
The true story of foundation of modern Turkish Republic
28 June 2006 | by ryquelm (United States)Especially Rutkay Aziz-Mustafa Kemal ATATURK acts his role as perfect as the other movie ‘Kurtulus’ which he also acts as Ataturk too. This is the true story of foundation of Turkish Republic between the years of early 1920’s to 1933. Especially the movie indicates the battle of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk against the radical Islamic groups, providing secularism to the new Turkish Republic and likewise, his incredible modern revolutions that were applied to a Muslim country before major modern European countries. After all of his revolutionary actions Turkiye(Turkey) became a secular and modern country in just 10 years. Particularly, For Turkish people this movie became into a more important situation on these years in terms of regarding and respecting Ataturk and his revolutions.Read More »
Zülfü Livaneli – Sis AKA Le Brouillard AKA Mist (1993)
2001-2010ArthouseDramaTurkeyZülfü LivaneliMist is uncertainty.
A mist which cannot be held with the hand, or even seen with the eye.
A mist which can comprehend our happiness, our pain, our fears, our contrainment and which encompasses human relationships.
A mist hanging over a family, a society and an era.
As stated by Victor Hugo “similar to the volcano’s discharge of stones, the discharge of people” in an era of uncertainty.
A mist which has taken the lives of 5 000 people within four years.
The effort of this film is to remember and understand something which is lost and gone in our country’s existence and in our own lives.
(Zülfü Livaneli)
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