Suzy Delair

  • Jean Dréville – Copie conforme AKA Carbon Copy (1947)

    Jean Dréville1941-1950ComedyCrimeFrance
    Copie conforme (1947)
    Copie conforme (1947)

    A smooth criminal, who turns to be Manuel Ismora, and his gang successfully and peacefully pull off con after heist. Elsewhere a timid office worker, Gabriel Dupon, is pressured by his boss into making a sale. A chain of events causes him to get mixed up with the criminal, and get arrested. Lack of evidence ensures Dupon’s release, but brings him to the attention of the criminal who persuades him into cooperation. Ismora exploits the fact that Dupon looks so much like him that they could be – carbon copies.Read More »

  • Jean Grémillon – Pattes blanches AKA White Paws (1949)

    Jean Grémillon1941-1950ClassicsDramaFrance

    The “white paws” of this noirish melodrama are the gaudy white spats sported by a reclusive French aristocrat in a fishing village on the coast of Normandy. Scripted by French playwright Jean Anouilh, who was originally to have directed it, Pattes blanches was ultimately brought to the screen by Grémillon, who accepted the project after the commercial failure of his Le ciel est à vous. The moody plot concerns the relationship of the aristocrat (Bernard) and his vengeful half-brother (Bouquet) and their rivalry over a promiscuous flirt from the city (Delair) who has married the local innkeeper. Although produced within the framework of the commercial cinema, Grémillon’s film manages to imbue the melodrama with a sharp sense of class divisions and his characteristic visual harmonies. (Harvard Film Archives)Read More »

  • Jean Dréville – Copie conforme (1947) (HD)

    1941-1950CrimeDramaFranceJean Dréville

    No one would think that Manuel Ismora, an esteemed society photographer, is an audacious thief and con artist. The newspapers are ?lled with accounts of Ismora’s criminal exploits, which involve the fraudulent sale of a château and the theft of some valuable jewels, but the police are slow in bringing him to justice. Instead, it is Gabriel Dupon, a modest button salesman who bears a remarkable physical resemblance to Imora, who ends up being taken into custody. Positively identi?ed by Imora’s many victims, Dupon is branded a criminal, and even when he is released by the police through lack of evidence, his reputation is in tatters.Read More »

  • Marcel Carné – Du mouron pour les petits oiseaux AKA Chicken Feed for Little Birds (1963)

    1961-1970ClassicsComedyFranceMarcel Carné

    Ruthless and for some viewers, also vulgar and unpleasant, this comedy by Marcel Carne has a madhouse of characters of dubious morals going through equally questionable antics. Their objectives are primarily self-serving. A former gangster (Paul Meurisse) is interested only in keeping birds, and his take from his last heist to help him go straight. In the same house is Lucie (Dany Saval) who is supporting her Italian lover by sleeping with the butcher. Meanwhile, the butcher’s wife has her own lover, his assistant. Read More »

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