Country girl Fereshteh and city girl Roya, schoolmates at Tehran University in the early ’80s, become fri ends when the former tutors the latter to pay her way through architectural school. Their friendship and innocent f un are clouded only by the presence of a young man who stalks the pretty Fereshteh, demanding she marry him. She br ushes him off and the girls feel strong enough to disregard his advances, until one day he throws a bottle of acid a t Fereshteh’s cousin, mistaking him for her boyfriend. Blaming her for brining disgrace onto the family, Fereshteh’ s father forces her to return home from university, which has been closed due to the turmoil following the Islamic r evolution anyway.Read More »
Tahmineh Milani
Tahmineh Milani – Do Zan AKA Two Women (1999)
1991-2000DramaIranTahmineh Milani -
Tahmineh Milani – Nimeh-ye penhan aka The Hidden Half (2001)
2001-2010DramaIranPoliticsTahmineh MilaniIranian Director Tamineh Milani was arrested and faced execution for making The Hidden Half, a film that had been approved by government censors. Milani has been released, but the charges have not been dropped.. A change in the political winds could land her back in jail.Read More »
Tahmineh Milani – Vakonesh panjom AKA The Fifth Reaction (2003)
2001-2010DramaIranPoliticsTahmineh MilaniTahmineh Milani’s “The Fifth Reaction”
An Iranian Woman Fighting for Her Rights
By Josef SchnelleFive women sit in a restaurant in Tehran and talk about their husbands and their marriages. First, the conversations are quite amusing, but later on we notice that each woman faces serious problems below the thin surface of legal rights granted to women in Iran.Read More »