
  • Robert Kramer – Starting Place/Point de départ (1994)

    1991-2000ArthouseDocumentaryFranceRobert Kramer

    In Starting Place, Robert Kramer revisits Hanoi, two decades after the end of the war and his making of People’s war. He succeeds in creating an impressionistic portrait of a country dealing with its haunting past while struggling to build a competitive economy.Read More »

  • Duki Dror – The Journey of Vaan Nguyen (2005)

    Duki Dror2001-2010DocumentaryIsrael
    The Journey of Vaan Nguyen (2005)
    The Journey of Vaan Nguyen (2005)

    Hoiami Nguyen never imagined that he will end up so far from his home village of Bong Son in central Vietnam. Political circumstances and the roulette of life have washed him to the shores of Israel. The penniless Vietnamese refugee became a father of 5 Hebrew speaking Israeli daughters. His daughter – Vaan, describes her parents’ ordeal using a razor sharp language in her blog. She feels trapped in circles of identity which will never meet. Caught between her wild and stormy Israeli spirit and the expectations to be modest and obedient Vietnamese at home, there is unbridgeable abyss. When her father returns to his family in Vietnam, Van finds herself absorbed into his tragic story – a cruel tale of loss and survival. Hoimai’s dream of return sends Vaan to look for a brighter future in the new-old country. She joins him in trying to reclaim the lands of the family, in the remote village at the heart of the Vietnamese jungle..Read More »

  • Pham Thien An – Bên trong vo kén vàng AKA Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell (2023) (HD)

    2021-2030DramaPham Thien AnVietnam
    Bên trong vo kén vàng (2023)
    Bên trong vo kén vàng (2023)

    After his sister-in-law dies in a freak motorcycle accident in Saigon, Thien is bestowed the task of delivering her body in their countryside hometown to which he also takes his nephew Dao, who miraculously survived the crash. Amidst the mystical landscapes of rural Vietnam, Thien begins a search for his older brother who vanished years ago to hand Dao over to him – a journey which deeply questions his faith.Read More »

  • Vu Tran – Den hen lai len AKA We’ll Be Seeing Us Again (1974)

    1971-1980AsianDramaVietnamVu Tran
    Den hen lai len (1974)
    Den hen lai len (1974)

    Before the August Revolution, Net, a pretty and virtuous girl, was well known in the Ha Bac area for her beautiful voice. She loved Chi, a Quan Ho singer in the neighbour village, a talented but poor man. During a Spring festival Binh, a playboy, plotted with his sister to win Net’s hand in marriage. To this end they had to get rid of Chi: Binh accused Chi of being “communist”. Cha had to run away to Binh, for being a communist meant committing high treason. Net’s mother, who was seriously ill and indebted to Binh, had to give him her daughter’s hand. Bu on the very night the wedding party was held Net left the village. There was also a conflict within Binh’s family. Read More »

  • Bui Thac Chuyên – Glorious Ashes (2022)

    2021-2030Bui Thac ChuyênDramaVietnam
    Glorious Ashes (2022)

    Relationships between three women and their partners in a southern seaside village.Read More »

  • Nhat Minh Dang – Dung dot AKA Don’t Burn (2009)

    2001-2010DramaNhat Minh DangVietnam

    In the spring of 2005, an old mother living in Hanoi receives a diary. The diary carries the notes of a young woman doctor who worked at a national liberation front hospital for two years starting in 1968 until her death. The diary was first discovered by a US military officer, who kept it for 35 years. The diary was then published in Vietnam and caused a sensation. The long moving journey linking Vietnam with the US is depicted through a true story adapted by Dan Nyat Minh, one of Vietnam’s top film directors.Read More »

  • Nhat Minh Dang – Mua oi aka The Season of Guavas aka La saison des goyaves (2000)

    1991-2000DramaNhat Minh DangVietnam

    A middle-aged man whose emotional and mental development ended at adolescence becomes obsessed with a guava tree in the yard of his former childhood home. When he is arrested trying sneak into the yard, he forms a unique relationship with the daughter of the home’s current resident.Read More »

  • Le-Van Kiet & Van Kiet Le – Hai Phuong aka Furie (2019)

    Le-Van Kiet2011-2020ActionThrillerVan Kiet LeVietnam

    When a little girl is kidnapped by a trafficking ring, they soon find they messed with the wrong child. Her mother, a notorious former gang leader, is close on their trail and will go to any lengths to bring her child home.
    The movie that broke the record for highest-grossing Vietnamese film in history.
    .Read More »

  • Ha Le Diem – Children of the Mist (2021)

    Documentary2021-2030Ha Le DiemVietnam

    DI is a 13-year-old girl living in a village lost in the mist of North Vietnamese mountains. She is fortunate in that she is part of the first generation of kids whom have the opportunity to have access to education, but she must convince her parents that studying is not a waste of time and money. If she can’t achieve this challenge, she would be trapped in the village her entire life, “just like a frog in a well”. DI belongs to the Hmong ethnic minority, where traditionally women get married very young, some of them from the early age of 12. In this society, marriage is linked to a very particular and controversial tradition: the “bride-kidnapping”. When a boy is interested in a girl, he organizes her kidnapping before forcing her back to his own home.Read More »

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