Funny, Entertaining. Charley Chase is great!, 4 April 2005
Author: chris-glo from So.CA
I happened to catch this on TCM one day – what a scream! A very entertaining short. Charley Chase was very talented! My husband and I try to watch the “silents” whenever we can but have mostly watched dramas with the bigger stars such as Valentino, Garbo, Chaney, etc. It is really a shame that the younger people today do not take the time to watch and appreciate the ones really responsible for the success of the movie industry. Back then, without sound to convey feelings with the spoken word, it took, I think, a great more amount of talent as an actor or actress to get the point across in mime. Facial expression and body movements were the only way this could be achieved. Just for fun, watch a new movie with the sound off. I think you would be surprised to find that you cannot follow it very well. Anyway, if you get the chance, check out silent movies. They are better than you think. And Charley Chase? I will be looking for more of his movies.Read More »
Vivien Oakland
Leo McCarey – Mama Behave (1926)
1921-1930ComedyLeo McCareySilentUSA